第二十条 不满八周岁的未成年人为无民事行为能力人,由其法定代理人代理实施民事法律行为。
Article 20
A minor under the age of eight has no capacity for performing civil juristic
acts, and may perform a civil juristic act only through his legal
第二十一条 不能辨认自己行为的成年人为无民事行为能力人,由其法定代理人代理实施民事法律行为。
Article 21
An adult unable to comprehend his own conduct has no capacity for performing
civil juristic acts, and may perform a civil juristic act only through his legal
The preceding paragraph is applicable to a minor aged eight or above who is unable to comprehend his own conduct.
第二十二条 不能完全辨认自己行为的成年人为限制民事行为能力人,实施民事法律行为由其法定代理人代理或者经其法定代理人同意、追认;但是,可以独立实施纯获利益的民事法律行为或者与其智力、精神健康状况相适应的民事法律行为。
Article 22
An adult unable to fully comprehend his own conduct has limited capacity for
performing civil juristic acts and may perform a civil juristic act through or
upon consent or ratification of his legal representative, except that such an
adult may independently perform a civil juristic act that is purely beneficial
to him or that is appropriate to his intelligence and mental status.
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