horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

第十六条  涉及遗产继承、接受赠与等胎儿利益保护的,胎儿视为具有民事权利能力。但是,胎儿娩出时为死体的,其民事权利能力自始不存在。

Article 16
A fetus is deemed as having the capacity for enjoying civil-law rights in estate succession, acceptance of gift, and other situations where protection of a fetus’ interests is involved. Provided, however, that a stillborn fetus does not have such capacity ab initio.
第十七条  十八周岁以上的自然人为成年人。不满十八周岁的自然人为未成年人。
Article 17
A natural person aged eighteen or above is an adult. A natural person under the age of eighteen is a minor.

第十八条  成年人为完全民事行为能力人,可以独立实施民事法律行为。
Article 18
An adult has full capacity for performing civil juristic acts and may independently perform civil juristic acts.


A minor aged sixteen or above whose main source of support is the income from his own labor is deemed as a person with full capacity for performing civil juristic acts.

第十九条  八周岁以上的未成年人为限制民事行为能力人,实施民事法律行为由其法定代理人代理或者经其法定代理人同意、追认;但是,可以独立实施纯获利益的民事法律行为或者与其年龄、智力相适应的民事法律行为。

Article 19
A minor aged eight or above has limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts and may perform a civil juristic act through or upon consent or ratification of his legal representative, except that such a minor may independently perform a civil juristic act that is purely beneficial to him or that is appropriate to his age and intelligence.


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