horizontal rule


上一页-泰伯1 泰伯 人力资源经理的《论语》读书笔记 论语



The Master said, 'Unless a man has the spirit of the rites, in being respectful he will wear himself out, in being careful he will become timid, in having courage he will become unruly, and in being forth- right he will become intolerant.1 'When the gentleman feels profound affection for his parents, the common people will be stirred to benevolence. When he does not forget friends of long standing, the common people will not shirk their obligations to other people.'

Lau [8:2]

Le Maître dit : « Sans civilité la politesse devient laborieuse, la circonspection craintive, le courage rebelle, la franchise offensante. Que le prince remplisse avec zèle ses devoirs envers ses proches, et le peuple sera mû par le bien. Que le prince n'abandonne pas ses anciens amis, et le peuple ne sera pas négligent. »

Couvreur VIII.2



