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Previous Psychology

Second, this "invisible" world of mind involves many different aspects, functions and potentials. Imagination, attention, intellect, awareness, intention, reason, will, responsibility, memory, and many other things exist in each of us. They are a vital and important part of us. Some people might venture to say some of these things ARE us. There is much to each of these areas and a short essay cannot begin to even scratch the surface of their nature, functioning, possible development and capabilities. But they definitely do exist and deserve recognition and attention. Any subject calling itself "psychology" would have to address these things in detail. The failure of modern psychology and psychiatry to do so is glaringly apparent. These subjects now only address behavior, physiology, genetics and biochemistry, and the mind is of no real concern. That is a very sad comment on the current state of "modern psychology".

Psychology Definition Altered
Let's return now to the dictionary definitions of "psychology".

From the Oxford American Dictionary:

1. the study of the mind and how it works.
2. mental characteristics, can you understand his psychology?

That's fine.

