The Call to Freedom 自由的召唤 Percy Bysshe Shelley 珀西•比希•雪莱 |
From the workhouse and the prison Where pale as corpses newly risen, Women, children, young and old Groan for pain, and weep for cold - From the haunts of daily life Where is waged the daily strife With common wants and common cares Which sows the human heart with tares - Lastly from the palaces Where the murmur of distress Echoes, like the distant sound Of a wind alive around Those prison halls of wealth and fashion Where some few feel such compassion For those who groan, and toil, and wail As must make their brethren pale - Ye who suffer woes untold, Or to feel, or to be behold Your lost country bought and sold With a price of blood and gold - Let a vast assembly be, And with great solemnity Declare with measured words that ye Are, as God has made ye, free - And these words shall then become Like Oppression's thunder doom Ringing through each heart and brain, Heard again - again - again Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number - Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you - Ye are many - they are few. |
从教养所到监狱, 有如刚刚爬起来的尸体, 面色苍白的男女老幼, 发出痛苦的呻吟,寒冷的悲泣―― 一年年,一日日, 苦苦挣扎,耗尽心力, 人们的内心一片荒芜, 忧愁无限,一贫如洗―― 从那遥远的宫墙, 传来阵阵低沉的痛惜, 就象呼呼的风声, 回荡在人们的耳际。 围城中的上流社会, 少数好人还有良知正义; 他们同情呻吟哀号的姊妹, 他们关注劳苦虚弱的兄弟。 饱受灾难的人们啊, 你们应该觉察这个秘密: 你们的祖国已被出卖, 那是用鲜血与黄金达成的交易。 举行一此盛大的集会, 气氛庄严无比, 用清淅的语言郑重宣告, 上帝的子民,自由属于你! 这宣言有如惊雷响起, 把头上的大山轰塌在地, 它在每个人心中回荡, 一次又一次,相继不息。 起来,沉睡的雄狮, 万众一心,所向无敌! 象抖落身上的露珠, 把枷锁挣脱抛弃; 你们人数众多,他们寥寥无几! |