The Family and Medical Leave Act
......闂佺ǹ绻楀▍鏇㈠极閻愬搫绀傛い鎴f硶閼稿綊鏌涘▎蹇撴缂佽鲸绻堝濂稿川闁箑娈洪梺绋跨箞閸旀垿宕曢幘顔藉仢闁瑰嘲鐭堥弨鑺ョ箾婢跺绀€缂佽翰鍎垫俊瀛樻媴缁涘鏂€闂佽 鍋撻柟绋挎捣閵嗗﹪鎮峰▎蹇擃伀闁烩剝鍨块弫宥囦沪閼测晛鏅╅柣鐔哥懕缁叉儳銆掗崼鏇炴闁绘鐗忛妴濠勨偓鍨緲椤戝牏绮婇銈嗗妞ゆ牓鍊楃粈澶愬级閳哄伒鎴濓耿娓氣偓瀵挳寮堕幋顓熲柤
第一千二百四十九条 遗弃、逃逸的动物在遗弃、逃逸期间造成他人损害的,由动物原饲养人或者管理人承担侵权责任。
Article 1249
Where an abandoned or escaped animal causes damage to another person during the
period of being abandoned or on the run, the original keeper or custodian of the
animal shall bear tort liability.
第一千二百五十条 因第三人的过错致使动物造成他人损害的,被侵权人可以向动物饲养人或者管理人请求赔偿,也可以向第三人请求赔偿。动物饲养人或者管理人赔偿后,有权向第三人追偿。
Article 1250
Where an animal causes damage to another person due to a third person’s fault,
the infringed person may claim compensation against the keeper or custodian of
the animal, or against the third person. The keeper or custodian of the animal
who has paid compensation has the right to indemnification against the third
第一千二百五十一条 饲养动物应当遵守法律法规,尊重社会公德,不得妨碍他人生活。
Article 1251
Anyone who keeps an animal shall abide by laws and regulations, respect social
morality, and may not disturb the life of others.
第十章 建筑物和物件损害责任
Chapter X
Liability for Damage Caused by Buildings and Objects
第一千二百五十二条 建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施倒塌、塌陷造成他人损害的,由建设单位与施工单位承担连带责任,但是建设单位与施工单位能够证明不存在质量缺陷的除外。建设单位、施工单位赔偿后,有其他责任人的,有权向其他责任人追偿。
Article 1252
Where a building, structure, or another type of facility collapses or subsides
and causes damage to another person, the project owner and the constructor shall
assume joint and several liability unless they can prove that there is no
quality defect. Where the damage is due to the fault of another responsible
person, the project owner or constructor who has made compensation has the right
to indemnification against the responsible person.
Where a building, structure, or another type of facility
collapses or subsides, and damage is thus caused to another person due to the
fault of the owner, manager, user, or a third person, the owner, manager, user,
or the third person shall bear tort liability.
第一千二百五十三条 建筑物、构筑物或者其他设施及其搁置物、悬挂物发生脱落、坠落造成他人损害,所有人、管理人或者使用人不能证明自己没有过错的,应当承担侵权责任。所有人、管理人或者使用人赔偿后,有其他责任人的,有权向其他责任人追偿。
Article 1253
Where a building, structure, or another type of facility, or any object laid or
hanged thereon, comes loose or falls down and thus causes damage to another
person, the owner, manager, or user shall bear tort liability if it cannot be
proven that he is not at fault. Where the damage is due to the fault of another
responsible person, the owner, manager, or user who has paid compensation has
the right to indemnification against the responsible person.
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