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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千零九十九条 收养三代以内旁系同辈血亲的子女,可以不受本法第一千零九十三条第三项、第一千零九十四条第三项和第一千一百零二条规定的限制。
Article 1099
Adoption of a child from one’s collateral relatives by blood of the same generation and up to the third degree of kinship may be exempted from the restrictions provided in Subparagraph (3) of Article 1093, Subparagraph (3) of Article 1094, and Article 1102 of this Code.


Adoption of a child by an overseas Chinese from his collateral relatives by blood of the same generation and up to the third degree of kinship may also be exempted from the restrictions provided in Subparagraph (1) of Article 1098 of this Code.

  第一千一百条 无子女的收养人可以收养两名子女;有子女的收养人只能收养一名子女。
Article 1100
A childless adopter may adopt two children, and an adopter with one child may adopt only one more child.

Adoption of an orphan, a minor with disabilities, or a minor in a children’s welfare institution whose natural parents cannot be traced may be exempted from the restrictions provided in the preceding paragraph and Subparagraph (1) of Article 1098 of this Code.

  第一千一百零一条 有配偶者收养子女,应当夫妻共同收养。

Article 1101
Where a person with a spouse intends to adopt a child, the person and his spouse shall jointly adopt the child.

  第一千一百零二条 无配偶者收养异性子女的,收养人与被收养人的年龄应当相差四十周岁以上。

Article 1102
Where a person without a spouse intends to adopt a child of a different gender, the prospective adopter shall be at least 40 years older than the adoptee.


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