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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千零二十七条 行为人发表的文学、艺术作品以真人真事或者特定人为描述对象,含有侮辱、诽谤内容,侵害他人名誉权的,受害人有权依法请求该行为人承担民事责任。

Article 1027
Where a literary or artistic work published by an actor depicts real people and real events or a specific person with insulting or defamatory content and thus infringes upon another person’s right to reputation, the person whose right is infringed upon has the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law.

Where a literary or artistic work published by an actor does not depict a specific person, but only some patterns of the story are similar to the situation of such person, the actor does not bear civil liability.

  第一千零二十八条 民事主体有证据证明报刊、网络等媒体报道的内容失实,侵害其名誉权的,有权请求该媒体及时采取更正或者删除等必要措施。
Article 1028
Where a person of the civil law has evidence to prove that the content reported by a media, such as a newspaper, a periodical, or an online website, is inaccurate and thus infringes upon his reputation, he has the right to request the media to take necessary measures including making correction of or deleting the content in a timely manner.

  第一千零二十九条 民事主体可以依法查询自己的信用评价;发现信用评价不当的,有权提出异议并请求采取更正、删除等必要措施。信用评价人应当及时核查,经核查属实的,应当及时采取必要措施。
Article 1029
A person of the civil law may check his own credit report in accordance with law, and has the right to raise an objection and request correction, deletion, or other necessary measures to be taken where he discovers that the credit report is incorrect. The evaluators of the credit standing shall examine the report and take necessary measures in a timely manner if it is verified to be false.

  第一千零三十条 民事主体与征信机构等信用信息处理者之间的关系,适用本编有关个人信息保护的规定和其他法律、行政法规的有关规定。
Article 1030
The provisions of this Book on the protection of personal information and the relevant provisions of other laws and administrative regulations shall be applied to the relationship between a person of the civil law and a credit information processor such as a credit reporting agency.


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