第一千零六条 完全民事行为能力人有权依法自主决定无偿捐献其人体细胞、人体组织、人体器官、遗体。任何组织或者个人不得强迫、欺骗、利诱其捐献。
Article 1006
A person with full capacity for performing civil juristic acts has the right to
make a voluntary decision in accordance with law to donate his cells, tissues,
organs, and remains. No organization or individual may force, deceive, or induce
the person to make such a donation.
The consent of a person with full capacity for performing civil juristic acts to
make such a donation in accordance with the provisions of the preceding
paragraph shall be made in writing or through a will.
Where a natural person, during his life, has not disagreed to make such a
donation after he dies, his spouse, adult children, and parents may, upon his
death, jointly decide to make the donation, and such a decision shall be made in
第一千零七条 禁止以任何形式买卖人体细胞、人体组织、人体器官、遗体。
Article 1007
Any form of purchase or sale of human cells, tissues, organs, or remains is
Any purchase or sale in violation of the preceding paragraph is void.
第一千零八条 为研制新药、医疗器械或者发展新的预防和治疗方法,需要进行临床试验的,应当依法经相关主管部门批准并经伦理委员会审查同意,向受试者或者受试者的监护人告知试验目的、用途和可能产生的风险等详细情况,并经其书面同意。
Article 1008
Where a clinical trial is needed for developing new drugs and medical devices or
developing new prevention and treatment methods, upon approval of the relevant
competent authorities and the examination and approval of the ethics committee
in accordance with law, the participants or their guardians shall be informed of
the details including the purposes, methods, and the possible risks of the
trial, and their written consent must be obtained.
When conducting a clinical trial, no fees may be collected from the participants
of the trial.
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