第九百八十三条 管理结束后,管理人应当向受益人报告管理事务的情况。管理人管理事务取得的财产,应当及时转交给受益人。
Article 983
Upon termination of the management, a custodian shall report the management of
the affairs to the beneficiary. The property obtained by the custodian in the
management of the affairs shall be surrendered to the beneficiary in a timely
第九百八十四条 管理人管理事务经受益人事后追认的,从管理事务开始时起,适用委托合同的有关规定,但是管理人另有意思表示的除外。
Article 984
Where the management of another person’s affairs by a custodian is subsequently
ratified by the beneficiary, the provisions on entrustment contracts shall be
applied to the management from the commencement of the management, unless the
custodian expresses his intention otherwise.
第二十九章 不当得利
Chapter XXIX
Unjust Enrichment
第九百八十五条 得利人没有法律根据取得不当利益的,受损失的人可以请求得利人返还取得的利益,但是有下列情形之一的除外:
Article 985
Where a person is unjustly enriched without a legal basis, the person who thus
suffers losses is entitled to request the enriched person to return the benefit,
unless under any of the following circumstances:
(1) the payment is made for performing a moral obligation;
(2) the payment is made to satisfy an obligation not yet due; or
(3) the payment is made to discharge an obligation by the person knowing that
there is no obligation to pay.
第九百八十六条 得利人不知道且不应当知道取得的利益没有法律根据,取得的利益已经不存在的,不承担返还该利益的义务。
Article 986
Where a person enriched does not know or should not have known that the
enrichment is without a legal basis, and if the enrichment no longer exists, the
person has no obligation to return the benefit thus received.
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