第九百四十三条 物业服务人应当定期将服务的事项、负责人员、质量要求、收费项目、收费标准、履行情况,以及维修资金使用情况、业主共有部分的经营与收益情况等以合理方式向业主公开并向业主大会、业主委员会报告。
Article 943
A property management service provider shall, in a reasonable manner, regularly
disclose to the owners and report to the owners’ assembly and the owners’
committee on its services, the responsible personnel, the quality requirements,
the items that a fee is charged, the rate of the fee, the performance of
obligations, use of the maintenance funds, and the management and income
generated from using the common space co-owned by the owners, and the like.
第九百四十四条 业主应当按照约定向物业服务人支付物业费。物业服务人已经按照约定和有关规定提供服务的,业主不得以未接受或者无需接受相关物业服务为由拒绝支付物业费。
Article 944
An owner shall pay property management fees to the property management service
provider in accordance with the agreement. Where a property management service
provider has provided services in accordance with the agreement and the relevant
regulations, an owner may not refuse to pay the property management fees on the
ground that he has not accepted or need not accept the relevant property
management service.
Where an owner fails to pay the property management fees within the agreed
period in breach of the agreement, the property management service provider may
demand the payment be made within a reasonable period of time; if the owner
still fails to make payment within the said period, the property management
service provider may file a lawsuit or apply for arbitration.
The property management service provider may not collect the property management
fees by such means as shutting off power, water, heat, or gas.
第九百四十五条 业主装饰装修房屋的,应当事先告知物业服务人,遵守物业服务人提示的合理注意事项,并配合其进行必要的现场检查。
Article 945
Where an owner decorates or remodels the unit he owns in a building, he shall
notify the property management service provider in advance, follow the
reasonable rules provided by the property management service provider, and
cooperate with the property management service provider in the necessary onsite
If an owner transfers or leases the unit exclusively owned by him within a
building, creates a right of habitation therein, or changes the use of the
common space in accordance with law, he shall timely inform the property
management service provider of the relevant situation.
第九百四十六条 业主依照法定程序共同决定解聘物业服务人的,可以解除物业服务合同。决定解聘的,应当提前六十日书面通知物业服务人,但是合同对通知期限另有约定的除外。
Article 946
Where the owners jointly decide to dismiss the property management service
provider in accordance with the statutory procedure, they may rescind the
contract for property management service. In such a case, the property
management service provider shall be notified in writing 60 days in advance,
unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
If rescission of the contract in accordance with the preceding paragraph causes
losses to the property management service provider, the owners shall compensate
for the losses, unless the losses are incurred by a cause not attributable to
the owners.
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