第九百二十七条 受托人处理委托事务取得的财产,应当转交给委托人。
Article 927
An agent shall hand over to the principal any property acquired in handling the
entrusted matter.
第九百二十八条 受托人完成委托事务的,委托人应当按照约定向其支付报酬。
Article 928
When an agent has accomplished the entrusted matter, the principal shall pay
remuneration to the agent in accordance with the agreement.
Where an entrustment contract is rescinded or the entrusted matter cannot be
accomplished due to a cause not attributable to the agent, the principal shall
pay corresponding remuneration to the agent, unless otherwise agreed by the
第九百二十九条 有偿的委托合同,因受托人的过错造成委托人损失的,委托人可以请求赔偿损失。无偿的委托合同,因受托人的故意或者重大过失造成委托人损失的,委托人可以请求赔偿损失。
Article 929
Under a non-gratuitous entrustment contract, where losses are caused to the
principal due to the agent’s fault, the principal may request compensation.
Under a gratuitous entrustment contract, where losses are caused to the
principal by the agent’s intentional act or by his gross negligence, the
principal may request for compensation.
Where an agent acts ultra vires thus causing losses to the principal, the agent
shall make compensation.
第九百三十条 受托人处理委托事务时,因不可归责于自己的事由受到损失的,可以向委托人请求赔偿损失。
Article 930
Where an agent suffers a loss in handling the entrusted matter due to a cause
not attributable to himself, he may request compensation from the principal.
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