第八百七十九条 技术咨询合同的委托人应当按照约定阐明咨询的问题,提供技术背景材料及有关技术资料,接受受托人的工作成果,支付报酬。
Article 879
A client in a technology consultation contract shall, in accordance with the
agreement, clarify the issues for consultation, provide technological background
information and the related materials, accept the work product of the entrusted
person, and pay remuneration.
第八百八十条 技术咨询合同的受托人应当按照约定的期限完成咨询报告或者解答问题,提出的咨询报告应当达到约定的要求。
Article 880
The entrusted person in a technology consultation contract shall complete the
consultation report or resolve the issues within the agreed time limit, and the
consultation report submitted shall meet the requirements as agreed by the
第八百八十一条 技术咨询合同的委托人未按照约定提供必要的资料,影响工作进度和质量,不接受或者逾期接受工作成果的,支付的报酬不得追回,未支付的报酬应当支付。
Article 881
Where a client in a technology consultation contract fails to provide the
necessary materials in accordance with the agreement thus affecting the progress
and quality of the work, or if the client fails to accept the work product or
delays the acceptance, he may not request refund for the paid remuneration and
shall pay any unpaid remuneration.
An entrusted person in a technology consultation contract who fails to submit
the consultation report as scheduled or submits a report failing to meet the
requirements as agreed by the parties shall bear default liability in form of
reduction or waiver of its remuneration, and the like.
Where a client in a technology consultation contract makes a decision in
reliance upon the entrusted person’s consultation report and advice that meet
the requirements as agreed by the parties, any loss thus caused shall be borne
by the client, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
第八百八十二条 技术服务合同的委托人应当按照约定提供工作条件,完成配合事项,接受工作成果并支付报酬。
Article 882
A client in a technology service contract shall, in accordance with the
agreement, provide working conditions, perform the cooperative work, accept the
work product, and pay remuneration.
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