horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第七百六十二条 保理合同的内容一般包括业务类型、服务范围、服务期限、基础交易合同情况、应收账款信息、保理融资款或者服务报酬及其支付方式等条款。
Article 762
A factoring contract generally contains clauses specifying the business type, scope of service, term of service, information on the underlying transaction contract and the accounts receivable, the financing funds through factoring, the service remuneration, the methods of payment thereof, and the like.
A factoring contract shall be in writing.
  第七百六十三条 应收账款债权人与债务人虚构应收账款作为转让标的,与保理人订立保理合同的,应收账款债务人不得以应收账款不存在为由对抗保理人,但是保理人明知虚构的除外。
Article 763
Where a creditor and a debtor fabricate an account receivable as the object of transfer and then conclude a factoring contract on it with a factor, the debtor of the fabricated account receivable may not assert a defense against the factor on the ground that the account receivable does not exist, unless the factor clearly knows such fabrication.
  第七百六十四条 保理人向应收账款债务人发出应收账款转让通知的,应当表明保理人身份并附有必要凭证。
Article 764
Where a factor notifies a debtor of an account receivable of the assignment of the account receivable, he shall disclose his identity as a factor and present necessary certifying documents.
  第七百六十五条 应收账款债务人接到应收账款转让通知后,应收账款债权人与债务人无正当理由协商变更或者终止基础交易合同,对保理人产生不利影响的,对保理人不发生效力。
Article 765
Where, after a debtor of an account receivable receives the notice of assignment thereof, the creditor and the debtor of the account receivable agree to modify or terminate the underlying contract without just cause, if it has an adverse impact on the factor, such modification or termination is not effective against the factor.


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