第七百五十一条 承租人占有租赁物期间,租赁物毁损、灭失的,出租人有权请求承租人继续支付租金,但是法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 751
Where the leased object is destructed, damaged, or lost during the period it is
under the possession of the lessee, the lessor has the right to request the
lessee to continue to pay the rent, unless otherwise provided by law or agreed
by the parties.
第七百五十二条 承租人应当按照约定支付租金。承租人经催告后在合理期限内仍不支付租金的,出租人可以请求支付全部租金;也可以解除合同,收回租赁物。
Article 752
A lessee shall pay the rent in accordance with the agreement. Where a lessee
fails to pay the rent within a reasonable period of time after being demanded,
the lessor may request full payment of the rent, or rescind the contract and
take back the leased object.
第七百五十三条 承租人未经出租人同意,将租赁物转让、抵押、质押、投资入股或者以其他方式处分的,出租人可以解除融资租赁合同。
Article 753
Where a lessee transfers, mortgages, pledges, invests and contributes as share,
or otherwise disposes of the leased object without the lessor’s consent, the
lessor may rescind the contract for financing lease.
第七百五十四条 有下列情形之一的,出租人或者承租人可以解除融资租赁合同:
Article 754
A lessor or a lessee may rescind the contract for financing lease under any of
the following circumstances:
(1) the sales contract between the lessor and the seller is rescinded or
determined as void or revoked, and the parties fail to conclude a sales contract
(2) the leased object is destructed, damaged, or lost due to a reason not
attributable to the parties, and it is impossible to repair the leased object or
determine a substitute for it; or
(3) the purpose of the contract for financing lease cannot be achieved due to a
reason attributable to the seller.
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