第七百四十四条 出租人根据承租人对出卖人、租赁物的选择订立的买卖合同,未经承租人同意,出租人不得变更与承租人有关的合同内容。
Article 744
Where a lessor concludes a sales contract based on the lessee’s selection of the
seller and the leased object, the lessor may not, without the consent of the
lessee, modify the content of the contract related to the lessee.
第七百四十五条 出租人对租赁物享有的所有权,未经登记,不得对抗善意第三人。
Article 745
The lessor’s ownership over the leased object shall, without being registered,
not be asserted against a bona fide third person.
第七百四十六条 融资租赁合同的租金,除当事人另有约定外,应当根据购买租赁物的大部分或者全部成本以及出租人的合理利润确定。
Article 746
The rent under a contract for financing lease shall, unless otherwise agreed by
the parties, be determined according to the whole or major part of the cost for
purchasing the leased object plus reasonable profits to be gained by the lessor.
第七百四十七条 租赁物不符合约定或者不符合使用目的的,出租人不承担责任。但是,承租人依赖出租人的技能确定租赁物或者出租人干预选择租赁物的除外。
Article 747
Where a leased object does not conform to the agreement or the purpose of its
use, the lessor does not bear any liability, unless the lessee has relied upon
the lessor’s expertise in selecting the leased object or the lessor has
intervened with the selection of the leased object.
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