horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第七百二十五条 租赁物在承租人按照租赁合同占有期限内发生所有权变动的,不影响租赁合同的效力。
Article 725
A change in the ownership of a leased object during the period that a lessee possesses the leased object in accordance with the lease contract does not affect the validity of the lease contract.
  第七百二十六条 出租人出卖租赁房屋的,应当在出卖之前的合理期限内通知承租人,承租人享有以同等条件优先购买的权利;但是,房屋按份共有人行使优先购买权或者出租人将房屋出卖给近亲属的除外。
Article 726
A lessor intending to sell a leased house shall notify the lessee within a reasonable period of time prior to the sale, and the lessee has the priority right to purchase the house under equivalent conditions, unless the person who is a co-owner by shares exercises his priority right to purchase the house or if the lessor sells it to his close relatives.
Where a lessee fails to explicitly express his intention to purchase the house within 15 days after the lessor has fulfilled his obligation of notification, the lessee is deemed to have waived such priority right.
  第七百二十七条 出租人委托拍卖人拍卖租赁房屋的,应当在拍卖五日前通知承租人。承租人未参加拍卖的,视为放弃优先购买权。
Article 727
Where a lessor authorizes an auctioneer to sell the leased house through auction, he shall notify the lessee five days prior to the auction. The lessee is deemed to have waived his priority right to purchase it if he fails to participate in the auction.
  第七百二十八条 出租人未通知承租人或者有其他妨害承租人行使优先购买权情形的,承租人可以请求出租人承担赔偿责任。但是,出租人与第三人订立的房屋买卖合同的效力不受影响。
Article 728
Where a lessor fails to notify the lessee or otherwise hinders the lessee from exercising his priority right to purchase the leased house, the lessee may request the lessor to bear the liability for compensation. Provided, however, that the validity of the contract for sale of the leased house concluded between the lessor and a third person is not affected.


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