horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第六百九十三条 一般保证的债权人未在保证期间对债务人提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,保证人不再承担保证责任。
Article 693
Where a creditor of a general suretyship fails to file a lawsuit or apply for arbitration against the debtor within the term of suretyship, the surety no longer bears the suretyship liability.

Where a creditor of a suretyship with joint and several liability fails to request the surety to undertake his suretyship liability within the term of suretyship, the surety no longer bears the suretyship liability.

  第六百九十四条 一般保证的债权人在保证期间届满前对债务人提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,从保证人拒绝承担保证责任的权利消灭之日起,开始计算保证债务的诉讼时效。
Article 694
Where a creditor of a general suretyship files a lawsuit or applies for arbitration against the debtor prior to the expiration of the term of suretyship, the limitation period of the suretyship obligation shall be counted from the date when the surety’s right to refuse to undertake the suretyship liability is extinguished.
Where a creditor of a suretyship with joint and several liability requests the surety to undertake his suretyship liability prior to the expiration of the term of suretyship, the limitation period of the suretyship obligation shall be counted from the date when the creditor requests the surety to undertake his suretyship liability.
  第六百九十五条 债权人和债务人未经保证人书面同意,协商变更主债权债务合同内容,减轻债务的,保证人仍对变更后的债务承担保证责任;加重债务的,保证人对加重的部分不承担保证责任。
Article 695
Where a creditor and a debtor, without the surety’s consent in writing, agree to alter the content of the principal claim-obligation contract, if the obligation is thus reduced, the surety shall continue to bear the suretyship liability to the extent of the altered obligation; if the obligation is thus increased, the surety does not bear the suretyship liability to the extent of the increased part.
Where a creditor and a debtor alter the period for performance of the principal claim-obligation contract, the term of suretyship is not affected unless upon the surety’s written consent.
  第六百九十六条 债权人转让全部或者部分债权,未通知保证人的,该转让对保证人不发生效力。
Article 696
Where a creditor transfers his claim in whole or in part without notifying the surety, such a transfer is not effective against the surety.
Where transfer of a claim is prohibited as agreed between the surety and the creditor, if the creditor transfers its claim without the surety’s written consent, the surety shall no longer bear the suretyship liability.


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