horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第六百八十三条 机关法人不得为保证人,但是经国务院批准为使用外国政府或者国际经济组织贷款进行转贷的除外。
Article 683
No State-organ legal person may act as a surety, except that such a State organ may, upon approval of the State Council, act as a surety in re-lending of the loans granted by a foreign government or an international economic organization.

No non-profit legal person established for public interest purposes or unincorporated organization may act as a surety.
  第六百八十四条 保证合同的内容一般包括被保证的主债权的种类、数额,债务人履行债务的期限,保证的方式、范围和期间等条款。
Article 684
A suretyship contract generally contains clauses specifying the kind and amount of the principal claim that is secured, the time limit for the debtor to perform the obligation, the mode, scope, and term of the suretyship, and the like.
  第六百八十五条 保证合同可以是单独订立的书面合同,也可以是主债权债务合同中的保证条款。
Article 685
A suretyship contract may be a contract concluded separately in writing or a guarantee clause in a principal claim-obligation contract.
A suretyship contract is formed when a third person unilaterally makes a guarantee in writing to a creditor who accepts it without making an objection.
  第六百八十六条 保证的方式包括一般保证和连带责任保证。
Article 686
Suretyship consists of general suretyship and suretyship with joint and several liability.
Where there is no agreement in the surety contract on the form of the suretyship or the relevant agreement is unclear, the surety shall bear the liability as in the form of a general suretyship.


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