第六百六十一条 赠与可以附义务。
Article 661
A gift may be subject to an obligation.
Where a gift is subject to an obligation, the donee shall perform the obligation
in accordance with the agreement.
第六百六十二条 赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人不承担责任。附义务的赠与,赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人在附义务的限度内承担与出卖人相同的责任。
Article 662
A donor is not liable for any defect of the gifted property. Where a gift is
subject to an obligation, if the gifted property has defects, the donor shall,
to the extent of the attached obligation, bear the same liability as a seller.
Where a donor intentionally fails to notify the donee about the defect of the
gifted property or has made a warranty therefor, thus causing losses to the
donee, the donor shall bear the liability for compensation.
第六百六十三条 受赠人有下列情形之一的,赠与人可以撤销赠与:
Article 663
A donor may revoke the gift if the donee has done any of the following acts:
(1) severely infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of the donor or any
close relative of the donor;
(2) having an obligation to support the donor but failing to perform that
obligation; or
(3) failing to perform the obligation as agreed in the gift contract.
The right to revocation of the donor shall be exercised within one year from the
date the donor knows or should have known of the cause for revocation.
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