The Family and Medical Leave Act
......闂佺ǹ绻楀▍鏇㈠极閻愬搫绀傛い鎴f硶閼稿綊鏌涘▎蹇撴缂佽鲸绻堝濂稿川闁箑娈洪梺绋跨箞閸旀垿宕曢幘顔藉仢闁瑰嘲鐭堥弨鑺ョ箾婢跺绀€缂佽翰鍎垫俊瀛樻媴缁涘鏂€闂佽 鍋撻柟绋挎捣閵嗗﹪鎮峰▎蹇擃伀闁烩剝鍨块弫宥囦沪閼测晛鏅╅柣鐔哥懕缁叉儳銆掗崼鏇炴闁绘鐗忛妴濠勨偓鍨緲椤戝牏绮婇銈嗗妞ゆ牓鍊楃粈澶愬级閳哄伒鎴濓耿娓氣偓瀵挳寮堕幋顓熲柤
第六百四十二条 当事人约定出卖人保留合同标的物的所有权,在标的物所有权转移前,买受人有下列情形之一,造成出卖人损害的,除当事人另有约定外,出卖人有权取回标的物:
Article 642
Where the parties agree that the seller shall retain the ownership of the
subject matter of the contract, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the
seller has the right to take back the subject matter if the buyer falls under
any of the following circumstances before such ownership is transferred and if
losses are thus caused to the seller:
(1) the buyer fails to make payment in accordance with the contract, and fails
to pay it within a reasonable period of time after being demanded;
(2) the buyer fails to fulfill the specific conditions in accordance with the
contract; or
(3) the buyer sells, pledges, or otherwise improperly disposes of the subject
The seller may negotiate with the buyer to take back the subject matter. Where
such a negotiation fails, the procedures for enforcement of security interests
may be applied mutatis mutandis.
第六百四十三条 出卖人依据前条第一款的规定取回标的物后,买受人在双方约定或者出卖人指定的合理回赎期限内,消除出卖人取回标的物的事由的,可以请求回赎标的物。
Article 643
After a seller has taken back the subject matter according to the first
paragraph of the preceding Article, the buyer may request to redeem the subject
matter if he eliminates the cause for the seller’s retrieving of the subject
matter within a reasonable period of redemption agreed by the parties or set by
the seller.
Where the buyer does not redeem the subject matter within the redemption period,
the seller may sell the subject matter to a third person at a reasonable price.
After deducting from the sale proceeds the amount unpaid by the buyer and the
necessary expenses, any balance shall be returned to the buyer; if the sale
proceeds are insufficient to cover the unpaid amount and the other necessary
expenses, the deficiency balance shall be paid by the buyer.
第六百四十四条 招标投标买卖的当事人的权利和义务以及招标投标程序等,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定。
Article 644
The rights and obligations of the parties to a sale through bidding, as well as
the procedures for the bidding, are governed by the provisions of the relevant
laws and administrative regulations.
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