horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第六百二十二条 当事人约定的检验期限过短,根据标的物的性质和交易习惯,买受人在检验期限内难以完成全面检验的,该期限仅视为买受人对标的物的外观瑕疵提出异议的期限。
Article 622
Where a period of inspection agreed by the parties is excessively short, and it is difficult for the buyer to complete a comprehensive inspection within such a period by virtue of the nature of the subject matter and in accordance with the course of dealing, such period shall be deemed only as a period for the buyer to raise objections on the patent defects of the subject matter.
Where an agreed period of inspection or a warranty period for quality guarantee is shorter than the period provided by the relevant laws or administrative regulations, the latter shall prevail.
  第六百二十三条 当事人对检验期限未作约定,买受人签收的送货单、确认单等载明标的物数量、型号、规格的,推定买受人已经对数量和外观瑕疵进行检验,但是有相关证据足以推翻的除外。
Article 623
Where the parties have not agreed on a period of inspection, and the buyer has signed a delivery note, confirmation slip, or the like document on which the quantity, model, and specifications of the subject matter are stated, the buyer shall be presumed to have inspected the quantity and the patent defects of the subject matter, unless there is sufficient evidence to overturn such a presumption.
  第六百二十四条 出卖人依照买受人的指示向第三人交付标的物,出卖人和买受人约定的检验标准与买受人和第三人约定的检验标准不一致的,以出卖人和买受人约定的检验标准为准。
Article 624
Where a seller delivers a subject matter to a third person according to the instructions given by the buyer, if the inspection standard agreed between the seller and the buyer are inconsistent with that agreed between the buyer and the third person, the inspection standard agreed between the seller and the buyer shall prevail.
  第六百二十五条 依照法律、行政法规的规定或者按照当事人的约定,标的物在有效使用年限届满后应予回收的,出卖人负有自行或者委托第三人对标的物予以回收的义务。
Article 625
Where, in accordance with the provisions of laws or administrative regulations or as agreed by the parties, the subject matter shall be recycled after expiration of its valid service life, the seller has an obligation to recycle the subject matter on his own or by an authorized third person.


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