第六百零六条 出卖人出卖交由承运人运输的在途标的物,除当事人另有约定外,毁损、灭失的风险自合同成立时起由买受人承担。
Article 606
Where a seller sells a subject matter en route that has been consigned to a
carrier for transport, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the risks of
destruction, damage, or loss of the subject matter shall be borne by the buyer
from the time the contract is formed.
第六百零七条 出卖人按照约定将标的物运送至买受人指定地点并交付给承运人后,标的物毁损、灭失的风险由买受人承担。
Article 607
A buyer shall bear the risks of destruction, damage, or loss of the subject
matter when the seller has transported the subject matter to the place
designated by the buyer and delivered to the carrier in accordance with the
Where there is no agreement between the parties on the place of delivery or the
relevant agreement is unclear, if the subject matter needs to be transported
according to Subparagraph (1) of the second paragraph of Article 603 of this
Code, the buyer shall bear the risks of destruction, damage, or loss of the
subject matter when the seller consigns the subject matter to the first carrier
for transport.
第六百零八条 出卖人按照约定或者依据本法第六百零三条第二款第二项的规定将标的物置于交付地点,买受人违反约定没有收取的,标的物毁损、灭失的风险自违反约定时起由买受人承担。
Article 608
Where a seller has placed the subject matter at the place of delivery in
accordance with the agreement or the provisions of Subparagraph (2) of the
second paragraph of Article 603 of this Code, if the buyer fails to take
delivery in default of the agreement, the risks of destruction, damage, or loss
of the subject matter shall be borne by the buyer from the time the buyer
第六百零九条 出卖人按照约定未交付有关标的物的单证和资料的,不影响标的物毁损、灭失风险的转移。
Article 609
A seller’s failure to deliver the documents and information of the subject
matter in accordance with the agreement does not affect the shift of the risks
of destruction, damage, or loss of the subject matter.
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