第五百九十九条 出卖人应当按照约定或者交易习惯向买受人交付提取标的物单证以外的有关单证和资料。
Article 599
A seller shall deliver to the buyer the relevant certificates and information in
addition to the documents for taking delivery of the subject matter in
accordance with the contract or the course of dealing.
第六百条 出卖具有知识产权的标的物的,除法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定外,该标的物的知识产权不属于买受人。
Article 600
Where a subject matter to be sold involves intellectual property rights, unless
otherwise provided by law or agreed by the parties, such intellectual property
rights do not belong to the buyer.
第六百零一条 出卖人应当按照约定的时间交付标的物。约定交付期限的,出卖人可以在该交付期限内的任何时间交付。
Article 601
A seller shall deliver the subject matter at a time as agreed in the contract.
Where a period of delivery is agreed in the contract, the seller may deliver the
subject matter at any time within such period.
第六百零二条 当事人没有约定标的物的交付期限或者约定不明确的,适用本法第五百一十条、第五百一十一条第四项的规定。
Article 602
Where there is no agreement between the parties on the period of delivery or the
relevant agreement is unclear, the provisions of Article 510 and Subparagraph
(4) of Article 511 of this Code shall be applied.
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