第五百七十九条 当事人一方未支付价款、报酬、租金、利息,或者不履行其他金钱债务的,对方可以请求其支付。
Article 579
Where a party fails to pay the price, remuneration, rent, or interests, or fails
to perform another pecuniary obligation, the other party may request for such
第五百八十条 当事人一方不履行非金钱债务或者履行非金钱债务不符合约定的,对方可以请求履行,但是有下列情形之一的除外:
(1) the performance is impossible either de jure or de facto;
(2) the object of the obligation is not suitable for a compulsory performance or
the expenses for the performance are excessively high; or
(3) the creditor fails to request for performance within a reasonable period of
Where one of the situations specified in the preceding paragraph exists so that the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved, the people’s court or an arbitration institution may terminate the contractual relationship of rights and obligations upon request by a party, but the default liability to be borne is not affected.
第五百八十一条 当事人一方不履行债务或者履行债务不符合约定,根据债务的性质不得强制履行的,对方可以请求其负担由第三人替代履行的费用。
Article 581
Where a party fails to perform the obligation or the performance does not
conform to the agreement, if the obligation may not be enforced by virtue of its
nature, the other party may request such party to bear the expenses of a
substitute performance by a third person.
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