第五百七十一条 债务人将标的物或者将标的物依法拍卖、变卖所得价款交付提存部门时,提存成立。
Article 571
A subject matter or the proceeds obtained from auction or sale of the subject
matter are placed in escrow where the debtor delivers the subject matter or
proceeds thereof to the escrow agency in accordance with law.
Where a subject matter or its proceeds have been placed in escrow, the debtor is
deemed to have delivered the subject matter to such extent.
第五百七十二条 标的物提存后,债务人应当及时通知债权人或者债权人的继承人、遗产管理人、监护人、财产代管人。
Article 572
After a subject matter is placed in escrow, the debtor shall promptly notify the
creditor or the creditor’s heirs, estate administrator, guardian, or custodian
for his property.
第五百七十三条 标的物提存后,毁损、灭失的风险由债权人承担。提存期间,标的物的孳息归债权人所有。提存费用由债权人负担。
Article 573
After a subject matter is placed in escrow, the risk of destruction, damage, or
loss thereof shall be assumed by the creditor. During the period the subject
matter is placed in escrow, the accrued fruits of the subject matter belong to
the creditor. The expenses thus incurred are borne by the creditor.
第五百七十四条 债权人可以随时领取提存物。但是,债权人对债务人负有到期债务的,在债权人未履行债务或者提供担保之前,提存部门根据债务人的要求应当拒绝其领取提存物。
Article 574
A creditor may collect the subject matter placed in escrow at any time, except
that where an obligation owed by the creditor to the debtor becomes due, the
escrow agency, upon request of the debtor, shall reject the creditor’s request
for collecting it before the creditor performs such obligation or providing
security therefor.
The creditor’s right to collect the subject matter placed in escrow is
extinguished if such right is not exercised within five years from the date the
subject matter is delivered to the escrow agency, and the subject matter shall
be escheated to the State after the escrow agency’s expenses are deducted.
However, where a creditor fails to perform his overdue obligation to the debtor,
or where the creditor waives his right to collect the subject matter placed in
escrow in writing to the escrow agency, the debtor has the right to take back
the subject matter after paying the escrow agency’s expenses.
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