第五百三十二条 合同生效后,当事人不得因姓名、名称的变更或者法定代表人、负责人、承办人的变动而不履行合同义务。
Article 532
After a contract becomes effective, neither party may refuse to perform the
contractual obligations on the ground that either party’s name or entity name,
legal representative, the responsible person, or the person handling the
contract has been changed.
第五百三十三条 合同成立后,合同的基础条件发生了当事人在订立合同时无法预见的、不属于商业风险的重大变化,继续履行合同对于当事人一方明显不公平的,受不利影响的当事人可以与对方重新协商;在合理期限内协商不成的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构变更或者解除合同。
Article 533
After a contract is formed, where a fundamental condition upon which the
contract is concluded is significantly changed which is unforeseeable by the
parties upon conclusion of the contract and which is not one of the commercial
risks, if continuing performance of the contract is obviously unfair to one of
the parties, the party that is adversely affected may re-negotiate with the
other party; where agreement cannot be reached within a reasonable period of
time, the parties may request the people’s court or an arbitration institution
to rectify or rescind the contract.
The people’s court or an arbitration institution shall, taking account of the
actual circumstances of the case, rectify or rescind the contract in compliance
with the principle of fairness.
第五百三十四条 对当事人利用合同实施危害国家利益、社会公共利益行为的,市场监督管理和其他有关行政主管部门依照法律、行政法规的规定负责监督处理。
Article 534
Where the parties take advantage of the contract to commit an act that endangers
the State’s interests or public interests, the market regulatory authority and
other relevant administrative authorities shall be responsible for supervising
and handling it in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative
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