第五百二十条 部分连带债务人履行、抵销债务或者提存标的物的,其他债务人对债权人的债务在相应范围内消灭;该债务人可以依据前条规定向其他债务人追偿。
Article 520
Where one of the debtors subjected to joint and several liabilities has
performed his obligation, offset his obligation, or placed the subject matter of
the obligation in escrow, the obligation of the other debtors owed to the
creditor is extinguished to the corresponding extent, and such a debtor has the
right to contribution against the other debtors in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Article.
Where the obligation of one of the debtors subjected to joint and several
liabilities is exempted by the creditor, the obligation of the other debtors
subjected to joint and several liabilities owed to the creditor is extinguished
to the extent of the share of liability that such a debtor assumes.
Where the obligation of one of the debtors subjected to joint and several
liabilities has merged with the claim of the creditor so that the obligation and
the claim are held by the same person, after deducting such share of obligation,
the creditor’s claim against the other debtors subjected to joint and several
liabilities continues to exist.
Where a creditor delays in accepting the performance of one of the debtors
subjected to joint and several liabilities, such delay takes effect on the other
debtors subject to joint and several liabilities.
第五百二十一条 连带债权人之间的份额难以确定的,视为份额相同。
Article 521
Where it is difficult to determine the share among the creditors with joint and
several claims, each creditor is deemed to have an equal share of the claims.
A creditor who has accepted the performance of obligation shall reimburse the
other creditors with joint and several claims with him on a pro rata basis.
The relevant provisions on joint and several obligations in this Chapter are
applicable to a joint and several claim mutatis mutandis.
第五百二十二条 当事人约定由债务人向第三人履行债务,债务人未向第三人履行债务或者履行债务不符合约定的,应当向债权人承担违约责任。
Article 522
Where the parties agree that the debtor shall perform the obligation to a third
person, if the debtor fails to perform the obligation to the third person or the
performance does not conform to the agreement, the debtor shall bear default
liability to the creditor.
Where it is provided by law or agreed by the parties that a third person may
directly request the debtor to perform the obligation to him, and the third
person does not explicitly reject it within a reasonable period of time, if the
debtor fails to perform the obligation to the third person or the performance
does not conform to the agreement, the third person may request the debtor to
bear default liability. The defenses that the debtor has against the creditor
may be asserted against the third person.
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