horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第五百零五条 当事人超越经营范围订立的合同的效力,应当依照本法第一编第六章第三节和本编的有关规定确定,不得仅以超越经营范围确认合同无效。
Article 505
Where the parties conclude a contract beyond their scope of business, the validity of the contract shall be determined according to the relevant provisions in Section 3 of Chapter VI of Book One of this Code and this Book, and the contract may not be determined as invalid solely on the ground that it is beyond their scope of business.

  第五百零六条 合同中的下列免责条款无效:
Article 506
An exculpatory clause in a contract exempting the following liabilities are void:
(1) the liability arising from physical injury inflicted on the other party; or
(2) the liability arising from losses caused to the other party’s property due to an intentional act or by gross negligence.
  第五百零七条 合同不生效、无效、被撤销或者终止的,不影响合同中有关解决争议方法的条款的效力。
Article 507
Where a contract does not take effect, or is void, revoked, or terminated, the validity of a clause in the contract concerning dispute resolution is not affected.
  第五百零八条 本编对合同的效力没有规定的,适用本法第一编第六章的有关规定。
Article 508
The validity of a contract which is not covered by the provisions in this Book is governed by the relevant provisions in Chapter VI of Book One of this Code.


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