horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四百九十六条 格式条款是当事人为了重复使用而预先拟定,并在订立合同时未与对方协商的条款。
Article 496
A standard clause refers to a clause formulated in advance by a party for repeated use which has not been negotiated with the other party when concluding the contract.
Upon concluding a contract, where a standard clause is used, the party providing the standard clause shall determine the parties’ rights and obligations in compliance with the principle of fairness, and shall, in a reasonable manner, call the other party’s attention to the clause concerning the other party’s major interests and concerns, such as a clause that exempts or alleviates the liability of the party providing the standard clause, and give explanations of such clause upon request of the other party. Where the party providing the standard clause fails to perform the aforementioned obligation of calling attention or giving explanations, thus resulting in the other party’s failure to pay attention to or understand the clause concerning its major interests and concerns, the other party may claim that such clause does not become part of the contract.
  第四百九十七条 有下列情形之一的,该格式条款无效:
Article 497
A standard clause is void under any of the following circumstances:
(1) existence of a circumstance under which the clause is void as provided in Section 3 of Chapter VI of Book One and Article 506 of this Code;
(2) the party providing the standard clause unreasonably exempts or alleviates itself from liability, imposes heavier liability on the other party, or restricts the main rights of the other party; or
(3) the party providing the standard clause deprives the other party of its main rights.
  第四百九十八条 对格式条款的理解发生争议的,应当按照通常理解予以解释。对格式条款有两种以上解释的,应当作出不利于提供格式条款一方的解释。格式条款和非格式条款不一致的,应当采用非格式条款。
Article 498
Where a dispute arises over the understanding of a standard clause, the clause shall be interpreted in accordance with its common understanding. Where there are two or more interpretations of a standard clause, the clause shall be interpreted against the party providing the standard clause. Where a standard clause is inconsistent with a non-standard clause, the non-standard clause shall prevail.


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