第四百七十九条 承诺是受要约人同意要约的意思表示。
Article 479
An acceptance is an expression of intent of the offeree to accept an offer.
第四百八十条 承诺应当以通知的方式作出;但是,根据交易习惯或者要约表明可以通过行为作出承诺的除外。
Article 480
An acceptance shall be made by means of notice, except that an acceptance may be
made by performing an act according to the parties’ course of dealing or as
indicated in the offer.
第四百八十一条 承诺应当在要约确定的期限内到达要约人。
Article 481
An acceptance shall reach the offeror within the time limit specified in the
Where no time limit for acceptance is specified in the offer, an acceptance
shall reach the offeror in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) where an offer is made through real-time communication, acceptance shall be
made promptly; or
(2) where an offer is not made through real-time communication, the acceptance
shall reach the offeror within a reasonable period of time.
第四百八十二条 要约以信件或者电报作出的,承诺期限自信件载明的日期或者电报交发之日开始计算。信件未载明日期的,自投寄该信件的邮戳日期开始计算。要约以电话、传真、电子邮件等快速通讯方式作出的,承诺期限自要约到达受要约人时开始计算。
Article 482
Where an offer is made through a letter or a telegram, the time limit for
acceptance shall be counted from the date shown on the letter or the date the
telegram is handed in for dispatch or, if no such a date is shown on the letter,
from the mailing date shown by the postmark of the letter. Where an offer is
made by means of instantaneous communications such as telephone calls,
facsimiles, or e-mails, the time limit for acceptance shall be counted from the
moment the offer reaches the offeree.
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