第四百七十二条 要约是希望与他人订立合同的意思表示,该意思表示应当符合下列条件:
Article 472
An offer is an expression of intent to conclude a contract with another person,
and the expression of intent shall satisfy the following conditions:
(1) the content shall be specific and definite; and
(2) it is indicated therein that the offeror is to be bound by his expression of
intent upon acceptance thereof by an offeree.
第四百七十三条 要约邀请是希望他人向自己发出要约的表示。拍卖公告、招标公告、招股说明书、债券募集办法、基金招募说明书、商业广告和宣传、寄送的价目表等为要约邀请。
Article 473
An invitation to offer is a manifestation that a person expects another person
to make an offer to him. Auction announcements, bidding announcements, stock
prospectuses, bond prospectuses, fund prospectuses, commercial advertisements
and promotions, mailed price catalogs, and the like, are invitations to offer.
A commercial advertisement and promotion constitute an offer if their content
satisfies the conditions for an offer.
第四百七十四条 要约生效的时间适用本法第一百三十七条的规定。
Article 474
The time when an offer becomes effective is governed by the provisions of
Article 137 of this Code.
第四百七十五条 要约可以撤回。要约的撤回适用本法第一百四十一条的规定。
Article 475
An offer may be withdrawn. The withdrawal of an offer is governed by the
provisions of Article 141 of this Code.
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