horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四百六十七条 本法或者其他法律没有明文规定的合同,适用本编通则的规定,并可以参照适用本编或者其他法律最相类似合同的规定。
Article 467
For a contract not explicitly provided in this Code or other laws, the General Provisions of this Book shall be applied, and the provisions provided in this Book and other laws on a contract which is most similar to the said contact may be applied mutatis mutandis.
The laws of the People’s Republic of China shall apply to the contracts of Sino-foreign equity joint venture, contracts of Sino-foreign contractual joint venture, or contracts of Sino-foreign cooperation in the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, that are to be performed within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.
  第四百六十八条 非因合同产生的债权债务关系,适用有关该债权债务关系的法律规定;没有规定的,适用本编通则的有关规定,但是根据其性质不能适用的除外。
Article 468
For a creditor-debtor relation not arising from a contract, the provisions of laws relating to such relations shall be applied; in the absence of such provisions, the relevant provisions of the General Provisions of this Book shall be applied, unless they are not applicable due to the nature of the creditor-debtor relation.
  第二章 合同的订立
Chapter II
Conclusion of Contracts
  第四百六十九条 当事人订立合同,可以采用书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。
Article 469
The parties may conclude a contract in writing, orally, or in other forms.
A writing refers to any form that renders the content contained therein capable of being represented in a tangible form, such as a written agreement, letter, telegram, telex, facsimile, or the like.
A data message in any form, such as electronic data interchange and e-mails, that renders the content contained therein capable of being represented in a tangible form and accessible for reference and use at any time is deemed as a writing.


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