第四百五十九条 占有人因使用占有的不动产或者动产,致使该不动产或者动产受到损害的,恶意占有人应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 459
Where damage is caused to immovable or movable property by its possessor as a
result of use of the property, a mala fide possessor shall be liable for
第四百六十条 不动产或者动产被占有人占有的,权利人可以请求返还原物及其孳息;但是,应当支付善意占有人因维护该不动产或者动产支出的必要费用。
Article 460
Where immovable or movable property is in the possession of another person, a
person holding a right in the property may request the possessor to return the
original property and its fruits, provided that the necessary expenses incurred
by a bona fide possessor for the maintenance of the immovable or movable
property shall be paid.
第四百六十一条 占有的不动产或者动产毁损、灭失,该不动产或者动产的权利人请求赔偿的,占有人应当将因毁损、灭失取得的保险金、赔偿金或者补偿金等返还给权利人;权利人的损害未得到足够弥补的,恶意占有人还应当赔偿损失。
Article 461
Where immovable or movable property in another person’s possession is
destructed, damaged, or lost, and a person holding a right in the property
requests for compensation, the possessor shall return to the right holder the
amount of insurance payment, compensation or indemnity he has received for the
property destructed, damaged, or lost; where the right holder has not been fully
compensated, a possessor mala fide shall also compensate for the loss.
第四百六十二条 占有的不动产或者动产被侵占的,占有人有权请求返还原物;对妨害占有的行为,占有人有权请求排除妨害或者消除危险;因侵占或者妨害造成损害的,占有人有权依法请求损害赔偿。
Article 462
Where immovable or movable property is trespassed or converted, its possessor is
entitled to request restitution. Where there is a nuisance against the
possession, the possessor has the right to request the removal of the nuisance
or the elimination of the danger. Where damage is caused as a result of the
trespass, conversion, or nuisance, the possessor has the right to request
compensatory damages in accordance with law.
The possessor’s right to request for restitution is extinguished if such a right
has not been exercised within one year from the date the trespass or conversion
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