第四百四十九条 法律规定或者当事人约定不得留置的动产,不得留置。
Article 449
Movable property that may not be retained under a lien as provided by law or
agreed by the parties may not be so retained.
第四百五十条 留置财产为可分物的,留置财产的价值应当相当于债务的金额。
Article 450
Where the property retained under a lien is a divisible thing, the value of the
retained property shall be equivalent to the amount of the obligation.
第四百五十一条 留置权人负有妥善保管留置财产的义务;因保管不善致使留置财产毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 451
A lienholder is obligated to well keep the retained property and shall be liable
for compensation where the retained property is destructed, damaged, or lost due
to improper custody.
第四百五十二条 留置权人有权收取留置财产的孳息。
Article 452
A lienholder has the right to collect the fruits accrued from the property
retained under a lien.
The fruits as specified in the preceding paragraph shall first be applied to
offset the expenses for collection of them.
第四百五十三条 留置权人与债务人应当约定留置财产后的债务履行期限;没有约定或者约定不明确的,留置权人应当给债务人六十日以上履行债务的期限,但是鲜活易腐等不易保管的动产除外。债务人逾期未履行的,留置权人可以与债务人协议以留置财产折价,也可以就拍卖、变卖留置财产所得的价款优先受偿。
Article 453
A lienholder and the debtor shall reach an agreement on the period of
performance of the obligation after the property is retained under the lien;
where there is no agreement or the relevant agreement is unclear, the lienholder
shall give the debtor a period of 60 or more days as the term of performance,
unless the retained movable property is fresh, living, or perishable so that it
is hard to keep it for long. Where a debtor defaults upon expiration of the term
of performance, the lienholder may, upon agreement with the debtor, appraise the
retained property, or be paid with priority from the proceeds obtained from
auction or sale of the retained property.
The appraisal or sale of the retained property shall be based on the market
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