第四百四十一条 以汇票、本票、支票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单出质的,质权自权利凭证交付质权人时设立;没有权利凭证的,质权自办理出质登记时设立。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 441
Unless otherwise provided by law, a pledge on a bill of exchange, promissory
note, check, bond, certificate of deposits, warehouse receipt, or bill of lading
is created at the time when the certificate of such a right is delivered to the
pledgee, or, in the absence of such a certificate, at the time when the pledge
is registered.
第四百四十二条 汇票、本票、支票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单的兑现日期或者提货日期先于主债权到期的,质权人可以兑现或者提货,并与出质人协议将兑现的价款或者提取的货物提前清偿债务或者提存。
Article 442
Where the maturity date for the payment or the delivery of goods against a
pledged bill of exchange, promissory note, check, bond, certificate of deposit,
warehouse receipt, or bill of lading precedes the due date of the principal
claim, the pledgee may cash the certificate or take delivery of the goods, and,
upon agreement with the pledgor, apply the purchase price or the goods accepted
to discharge the obligation before it is due or place it in escrow.
第四百四十三条 以基金份额、股权出质的,质权自办理出质登记时设立。
Article 443
A pledge on fund shares or equity is created upon registration of the pledge.
The fund shares or equity, after being pledged, may not be transferred unless
otherwise agreed by the pledgor and the pledgee through consultation. The
proceeds obtained by the pledgor from the transfer of the pledged fund shares or
equity shall be applied to pay to the pledgee to discharge the obligation before
it is due or be placed in escrow.
第四百四十四条 以注册商标专用权、专利权、著作权等知识产权中的财产权出质的,质权自办理出质登记时设立。
Article 444
A pledge on a proprietary right in intellectual property, such as the right to
the exclusive use of a registered trademark, a patent right, or copyright, is
created upon registration.
A proprietary right in intellectual property, after being pledged, may not be
transferred or licensed by the pledgor to another person, unless otherwise
agreed by the pledgor and the pledgee through consultation. The proceeds
obtained by the pledgor from the transfer or licensing of the proprietary right
in the pledged intellectual property shall be applied to pay to the pledgee to
discharge the obligation before it is due or be placed in escrow.
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