horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第三百九十二条 被担保的债权既有物的担保又有人的担保的,债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现担保物权的情形,债权人应当按照约定实现债权;没有约定或者约定不明确,债务人自己提供物的担保的,债权人应当先就该物的担保实现债权;第三人提供物的担保的,债权人可以就物的担保实现债权,也可以请求保证人承担保证责任。提供担保的第三人承担担保责任后,有权向债务人追偿。
Article 392
Where a claim is secured by both a collateral and a surety, and the debtor fails to perform his obligation due or any event upon which a security interest is to be enforced as agreed upon by the parties occurs, the creditor shall enforce the claim in accordance with the agreement. Where there is no agreement or the relevant agreement is unclear, if the collateral is provided by the debtor, the creditor shall first enforce the claim against the collateral, and if the collateral is provided by a third person, the creditor may elect to enforce the claim against the collateral or request the surety to assume liability. After the third person who provides security has assumed such liability, he has the right to indemnification against the debtor.
  第三百九十三条 有下列情形之一的,担保物权消灭:
Article 393
A security interest is extinguished under any of the following circumstances:
(1) the claim under the principal contract is extinguished;
(2) the security interest is enforced;
(3) the creditor waives his security interest; or
(4) there exists any other circumstance in which the security interest is extinguished as provided by law.


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