horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第三百五十条 建设用地使用权人应当合理利用土地,不得改变土地用途;需要改变土地用途的,应当依法经有关行政主管部门批准。
Article 350
A person who has the right to use a lot of land for construction purposes shall make reasonable use of the lot and may not change its planned use. Where it is necessary to change the planned use of the lot, approval shall be obtained from the competent administrative department in accordance with law.
  第三百五十一条 建设用地使用权人应当依照法律规定以及合同约定支付出让金等费用。
Article 351
A person who has the right to use a lot of land for construction purposes shall pay the transfer fee and other fees in accordance with law and the contract.
  第三百五十二条 建设用地使用权人建造的建筑物、构筑物及其附属设施的所有权属于建设用地使用权人,但是有相反证据证明的除外。
Article 352
The ownership of buildings, structures, and auxiliary facilities thereof constructed by a person with the right to use the lot of land for construction purposes belongs to the person, unless it is proved by evidence to the contrary.
  第三百五十三条 建设用地使用权人有权将建设用地使用权转让、互换、出资、赠与或者抵押,但是法律另有规定的除外。
Article 353
Unless otherwise provided by law, the persons with a right to use a lot of land for construction purposes are entitled to transfer, exchange, offer as capital contribution, give away as a gift, or mortgage their rights.
  第三百五十四条 建设用地使用权转让、互换、出资、赠与或者抵押的,当事人应当采用书面形式订立相应的合同。使用期限由当事人约定,但是不得超过建设用地使用权的剩余期限。
Article 354
Where a right to use a lot of land for construction purposes is transferred, exchanged, offered as capital contribution, given away as a gift, or mortgaged, the parties shall enter into a contract thereon in writing. The term of the use shall be agreed upon by the parties, provided that it may not exceed the remaining term of the right to use the lot of land for construction purposes.
  第三百五十五条 建设用地使用权转让、互换、出资或者赠与的,应当向登记机构申请变更登记。
Article 355
Where a right to use a lot of land for construction purposes is transferred, exchanged, offered as capital contribution, or given away as a gift, an application for registration of the change shall be filed with the registration authority.


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场地推广 虚位以待 常年法律顾问:何止是企业的保健医生