第三百二十六条 用益物权人行使权利,应当遵守法律有关保护和合理开发利用资源、保护生态环境的规定。所有权人不得干涉用益物权人行使权利。
Article 326
A usufructuary shall, when exercising his right, abide by the provisions of laws
on the protection, rational exploitation, and utilization of resources and the
protection of the ecological environment. The owner may not interfere with the
exercise of such rights by the usufructuary.
第三百二十七条 因不动产或者动产被征收、征用致使用益物权消灭或者影响用益物权行使的,用益物权人有权依据本法第二百四十三条、第二百四十五条的规定获得相应补偿。
Article 327
Where a right to usufruct is extinguished or adversely affected due to
expropriation or requisition of the immovable or movable property, the
usufructuary has the right to compensation according to the provisions of
Articles 243 and 245 of this Code.
第三百二十八条 依法取得的海域使用权受法律保护。
Article 328
The right to use the sea areas that is acquired in accordance with law is
protected by law.
第三百二十九条 依法取得的探矿权、采矿权、取水权和使用水域、滩涂从事养殖、捕捞的权利受法律保护。
Article 329
The right to explore and mine minerals, to draw water, and to use waters and
mudflats to engage in aquaculture or fishing that are acquired in accordance
with law is protected by law.
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