horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一百八十九条 当事人约定同一债务分期履行的,诉讼时效期间自最后一期履行期限届满之日起计算。
Article 189
Where the parties agree on payment of a debt by installment, the limitation period begins from the date when the last installment is due.
  第一百九十条 无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人对其法定代理人的请求权的诉讼时效期间,自该法定代理终止之日起计算。
Article 190
The limitation period for a person with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts to bring a claim against his legal representative begins from the date when the agency by operation of law is terminated.
  第一百九十一条 未成年人遭受性侵害的损害赔偿请求权的诉讼时效期间,自受害人年满十八周岁之日起计算。
Article 191
The limitation period for a minor to bring a sexual molestation claim against the offender begins from the date when the minor reaches the age of eighteen.
  第一百九十二条 诉讼时效期间届满的,义务人可以提出不履行义务的抗辩。
Article 192
Expiration of the limitation period may be used by an obligor as a defense against a claim of non-performance.
An obligor who agrees to perform a prior obligation after the limitation period expires may not later on use the expiration of the limitation period as a defense, and an obligor who has voluntarily performed such a prior obligation may not later on demand for restitution.


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