horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一百三十八条 无相对人的意思表示,表示完成时生效。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。

Article 138
Where an expression of intent is not made to any specific person, it becomes effective when the expression is completed, unless otherwise provided by law.
  第一百三十九条 以公告方式作出的意思表示,公告发布时生效。

Article 139
An expression of intent made through public notice becomes effective upon the time the public notice is posted.
  第一百四十条 行为人可以明示或者默示作出意思表示。
Article 140
A person performing a civil juristic act may make an expression of intent either expressly or implicitly.
Silence is deemed as an expression of intent only when it is so provided by law, agreed by the parties, or accords with the course of dealing between the parties.
  第一百四十一条 行为人可以撤回意思表示。撤回意思表示的通知应当在意思表示到达相对人前或者与意思表示同时到达相对人。
Article 141
A person performing a civil juristic act may withdraw an expression of intent. The notice of withdrawal of the expression of intent shall reach the counterparty prior to or at the same time with the counterparty’s receipt of the expression of intent.


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场地推广 虚位以待 常年法律顾问:何止是企业的保健医生