第六十条 法人以其全部财产独立承担民事责任。
Article 60
A legal person independently assumes civil liability to the extent of all of its
第六十一条 依照法律或者法人章程的规定,代表法人从事民事活动的负责人,为法人的法定代表人。
Article 61
The person with the responsibility of representing a legal person in conducting
civil activities in accordance with law or the legal person’s articles of
association is the legal representative of the legal person.
The legal consequences of the civil activities conducted by the legal
representative in the legal person’s name shall be assumed by the legal person.
Any restrictions on the legal representative’s power to represent the legal
person which is stipulated in the articles of association or imposed by the
governing body of the legal person may not be asserted against a bona fide
第六十二条 法定代表人因执行职务造成他人损害的,由法人承担民事责任。
Article 62
Where a legal representative of a legal person causes damage to others while
performing his responsibilities, the civil liability thus incurred shall be
assumed by the legal person.
After assuming the aforementioned civil liability, the legal person has the
right to indemnification, in accordance with law or its articles of association,
against its legal representative who is at fault.
第六十三条 法人以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。依法需要办理法人登记的,应当将主要办事机构所在地登记为住所。
Article 63
The domicile of a legal person is the place where its principal administrative
office is located. Where a legal person is required by law to be registered, the
place of its principal administrative office shall be registered as its
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