horizontal rule



Previous Maritime

(22) _shippers_ association_ means a group of shippers that consolidates or distributes freight on a nonprofit basis for the members of the group in order to secure carload, truckload, or other volume rates or service contracts.

(23) _through rate_ means the single amount charged by a common carrier in connection with through transportation.

(24) _through transportation_ means continuous transportation between origin and destination for which a through rate is assessed and which is offered or performed by one or more carriers, at least one of which is a common carrier, between a United States point or port and a foreign point or port.

(25) _United States_ includes the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and all other United States territories and possessions.

SEC. 4. AGREEMENTS WITHIN SCOPE OF ACT (46 App. U.S.C. 1703 (2002)).

(a) Ocean common carriers. This Act applies to agreements by or among ocean common carriers to_

(1) discuss, fix, or regulate transportation rates, including through rates, cargo space accommodations, and other conditions of service;

(2) pool or apportion traffic, revenues, earnings, or losses; 



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