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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第十八章 建设工程合同
Chapter XVIII
Contracts for Construction Project

  第七百八十八条 建设工程合同是承包人进行工程建设,发包人支付价款的合同。
Article 788
A contract for construction project is a contract under which a contractor carries out the construction of a project and the contract-offering party pays the price in return.
Contracts for construction project consist of contracts for project prospecting, designing, and construction.
  第七百八十九条 建设工程合同应当采用书面形式。
Article 789
A contract for construction project shall be made in writing.
  第七百九十条 建设工程的招标投标活动,应当依照有关法律的规定公开、公平、公正进行。
Article 790
Bidding for a construction project shall be carried out in an open, fair, and impartial manner in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws.
  第七百九十一条 发包人可以与总承包人订立建设工程合同,也可以分别与勘察人、设计人、施工人订立勘察、设计、施工承包合同。发包人不得将应当由一个承包人完成的建设工程支解成若干部分发包给数个承包人。
Article 791
A contract-offering party may conclude a contract for construction project with a general contractor, or conclude separate contracts for prospecting, designing, and construction with the prospecting, designing, and construction parties respectively. A contract-offering party may not break up one construction project that should be completed by one contractor into several parts and offer them to several contractors.
A general contractor or a prospecting, designing, or construction contractor may, upon consent by the contract-offering party, entrust part of the contracted work with a third person. The third person shall assume joint and several liability with the general contractor or the prospecting, engineering, or construction contractor to the contract-offering party on the work product of the third person. A contractor may not delegate the whole of the contracted construction project to a third person or break up the contracted construction project into several parts and delegate them separately to third persons in the name of subcontracting.
A contractor is prohibited from subcontracting the contracted project to any entity without the corresponding qualifications. A subcontractor is prohibited from re-subcontracting the contracted project. The main structure of the construction project must be completed by the contractor itself.


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